is a registered Japanese Limited Company or kabushiki kaisha (KK)

  • is based in Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto), London and the USA
  • is uniquely equipped to deliver quality Japanese goods direct from Japan
  • offers a 'You Ask For It, We Look For It' product search service
  • specializes in wholesale orders for all our products
  • payments can be made using Paypal, bank transfer or international postal money order
  • previously inspects all goods for export to ensure they meet our standards
  • ships direct to your home our business using the efficient Japanese postal system: regular airmail, surface mail (if required) and EMS (Express Registered Mail Service).
  • ships by international carrier UPS for high-value, delicate items
  • offers a guaranteed Returns' Policy on all items shipped
  • specializes in the export of quality Japanese products both hi-tech and traditional to overseas customers and businesses. Our list of products include electronic dictionaries, lamp shades, happi-coats, jewelry, clothing, sculpture, calligraphy, fans, umbrellas, art etc.
  • offers the longest established, most reputable and reliable Yahoo Japan Auction Service
  • is associated with a number of Japanese companies including: Kuraya Byobu, Creative Toys, Asahi Samples and Eastern Trading Ltd. to supply top-quality Japanese products to the overseas market.
  • makes restaurant and hotel bookings on your behalf in Japan
  • applications for Saihoji Temple (Moss Temple) in Kyoto
  • reserves places for tours of the JAL and ANA museums at Haneda Airport in Tokyo

Business Address

Goods From Japan KK
Aichi-ken, Seto-shi,
Hatano-cho, 609-1, 489-0874, Japan

Tel: & Fax :+81 561 59 8008 (English)

Tel: & Fax :+81 561 59 8008 (Japanese, 日本語)


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